The Small Ads Cards: what are they for?
That’s for you to decide.
Think of them as prompts, or starting points.
They could just be to read for amusement, or to keep to remind you of this little adventure. To put on the fridge, maybe, to see if visitors notice or ask about them. Perhaps they’ll take note of an email address, send a message. Perhaps they’ll make excellent Distraction Agents themselves.
Or they could inspire you, to quote Paladin, to “get off the sofa”. Take them out into the world, in whatever way you choose, and what suits the area in which you’re working.
Or maybe they’ll spark your own, original ideas; every story starts somewhere. Where does your train of thought take you? Will you act on it? Or maybe you’ll file it away, for when the right opportunity presents itself.
You don’t have to decide now. Sleep on it. Wait for the right opportunity. Or pass them on. Your choice.
You know where to find us, if you’d like to mull over any ideas.